Tony Pigford
Candidate for City Council, Denver, CO
Tony Pigford is a 4th generation Denverite running for Denver City Council. He is an educator and advocate.
In 2019 Tony led a candidate pledge to ban fracking in Denver. He was part of the effort to oppose highway expansion and has helped lead efforts to preserve parks and green spaces in the City. If elected, he is committed to ensuring that climate impacts are at the forefront of all city decision making.
To win this highly competitive race, Tony needs your help. To convert your dollars into bold local climate policy, please donate below!
Tony’s Vision
Accelerate Denver’s Climate Protection 5-year plan
Conduct a city-wide climate audit of all departments, their sustainable practices, and opportunities for improvement
Reduce ozone and emissions through strong requirements, including set timelines for phasing out retail sales and use of gas-powered lawn maintenance equipment
Sustainable planning and transportation
Ensure all Denver residents can access work, shopping, education, healthcare, and recreation within a 15 minute walk or bike ride
Design the city for the movement of people rather than the movement of cars
Preserve and expand green spaces and urban forestry programs
Update disaster response protocol to incorporate the most up-to-date climate science
Establish community centers for mutual aid
Expand constituent resources on disaster preparation and response