Laurie Smith
Candidate for City Council, South Burlington, VT
Lauire has had a lifelong love of nature and cares deeply about the environment. Since a young age, his joy and inspiration has been found in nature, in his ability to repair or build just about anything, and working with wood. Throughout his career, he’s collaborated with city councils, planning and zoning departments, development review boards, and the VT Act 250 Commission for commercial redevelopment, residential subdivision development, and individual residential projects.
Over the years he has participated in municipal government as a member of the Shelburne Development Review Board, Auditor for the South Burlington Fire District #1 (Queen City Park), and is a current member of the South Burlington Planning Commission. His commitment to community service and the time he has spent as a Planning Commissioner have inspired him to seek a position on the South Burlington City Council. He will utilize consensus-building, mutual respect, and support to ensure that South Burlington remains an affordable and great place to live, learn, grow, work, and play.
Laurie’s Vision
Clean Energy
Focus policies on actions that reduce non-essential energy consumption.
Mitigate climate change impacts and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Increase energy efficiency.
Equitably shift our energy profile to renewable/carbon-free sources.
Eliminate all non-essential uses of fossil fuels.
A Reseilient Community
Promote social connectedness
Protect and prevent development on open space.
Promote Microgrids and hardening of utilities.
Assess and strengthen public safety and emergency preparedness
Improve Bike Ped infrastructure to create a fully integrated network of safe accessible year round transportation and recreation
Support safe, resilient, and varied transportation systems that promote our built areas.
Promote rapid development of a public transportation network that enables easy movement throughout our City without a car.
Increase EV charging network to support the transition to EV’s
Promote Transportation Demand Management incentives that encourage reductions in Vehicle Miles Traveled
“The climate crisis poses an existential threat, compelling us to collaborate in reducing emissions and fortifying our resilience. While we can't solve the crisis on our own, we bear an obligation to future generations to play our part. I am committed to shaping a future where all South Burlington residents, particularly those who can least afford to adapt to our changing world, can thrive in a sustainable, resilient community.”