Anthony Tordillos

Candidate for City Council, San Jose, CA

Anthony currently serves as the Chair of the San José Planning Commission where he has previously worked toward the creation of dense, walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods that support the city’s housing and economic goals while protecting the environment. Anthony has also worked to be a responsible steward of our environment in his local community through his role as President of the South University Neighborhood. In this role, Anthony works to bring people together to volunteer for monthly neighborhood litter pickups and park cleanup events.

He has also previously supported efforts to expand San José’s downtown protected bicycle network and worked with the city’s Department of Transportation to support a grant application for the federal government’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program. This grant will support a study aimed at undoing some of the harm caused by Interstate 280 in Downtown San José by reconnecting neighborhoods, supporting safer complete streets, reducing air pollution, and providing additional land for new parks and affordable housing.

Anthony’s Vision

Robust Public Transit

  • Supporting VTA initiatives to increase service frequency and improve transit speeds, including cost-effective solutions like Transit Signal Priority and dedicated bus lanes and queue jumps.

  • Providing the oversight necessary to bring BART Downtown on-time and under budget while minimizing impacts on surrounding businesses.

  • Promoting walkable, mixed-use development near new and existing transit lines to increase ridership, decrease gridlock, and strengthen the fiscal health of our transit agencies.

  • Investing in expanding San José’s bike lane network and multi-use trails so folks of all ages and ability levels have the option to safely navigate our city without a car.

A Greener City

  • Decreasing the environmental impact of new development by requiring transportation demand management plans to minimize new car trips and ensuring appropriate charging infrastructure to support the transition to zero emission vehicles.

  • Supporting all-electric construction for new development, and working with public agencies to provide incentives for electrification and energy efficiency retrofits for existing buildings.

  • Supporting efforts to relocate encampments from our parks and waterways to minimize environmental impacts and connect unhoused residents to shelter and services.